Written June 28, 2011
If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is,
you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world.
That is why the world hates you. - John 15:19
I feel out of place.
I love a world that hates me and loves itself.
I live in a world where love is natural, conditional, and almost entirely emotional.
I live in a world where science foolishly tries to explain the why and faith foolishly tries to explain the how.
I live in a world with million dollar mega churches and zero dollar third world countries.
I live in a world where satisfaction is unattainable and contentment is not learned.
I live in a world where fear paralyzes instead of motivates.
I live in a world where you get to actually choose your spouse and the divorce rate is 60%.
I live in a world where conformity is a substitue for growth.
I live in a world where food and water is substituted for Ipads and Bentleys.
I live in a world that sees everything and does nothing.
I live in a world where equality and tolerance have to be enforced.
I live in a world where sex comes before a proper date.
I live in a world where reputation and culture matter more than love and peace.
I live in a world where men have TOO much ego, and women are TOO emotional, and both are TOO intense.
I live in a world where we are victims of our circumstances.
I live in a world where happiness is the goal in life.
I live in a world where commitment is avoided, pain is distorted, and devotion has to be earned.
I live in a world where charity is hip, or sometimes, only a trick.
I live in a world where we lie to survive and truth is a matter of opinion.
I live in a world where peace is idealistic and war is realistic.
I live in a world where love has rules.
I live in a world where rules don't rule.
I live in a world where independence is desired but not sought after.
I live in a world where individuality isn't so individual.
I live in a world where art is measured in dollar signs.
I live in a world where basketball players get paid more than teachers.
I live in a world where family is subject to interpretation.
I live in a world that has everything and everything is not enough.
I live in a world where the only radicals are those who bomb cities or hate gays.
I live in a world where hate is extreme but love is too intense.
I live in a world where beauty is observed and not generated.
I live in a world where sacrifice is not worth it.
I live in a world that makes demands but does not meet them.
I live in a world where confrontation is avoided because it is uncomfortable.
I live in a world where honesty is avoided because it involves confrontation.
I live in a world where there is no growth in comfort and no comfort in growth.
I live in a world that's scared to live because it's too selfish to die.
I live in a world where alcohol fixes sadness.
I live in a world where revenge fixes anger.
I live in a world where silence fixes injustice.
I live in a world where this message may stir hearts but won't stir action.
. . .
I've seen a world where love overcomes the very sacrifices it demands unconditionally.
I've seen a world where science and faith heal bodies and souls.
I've seen a world where kids who eat trash worship God because He takes care of them.
I've seen a world where humility precedes honor.
I've seen a world where marriage is a covenant not a contract.
I've seen a world that seeks to be uncomfortable to build character.
I've seen a world where needs are provided and wants are subsided.
I've seen a world where the response to injustice is revolution.
I've seen a world where collaboration and cooperation don't need to be enforced.
I've seen a world where sex is a product of love and commitment, not of lust and desire.
I've seen a world where love confronts culture and has little regard for reputation.
I've seen a world where love is intensely unifying and never TOO much.
I've seen a world where contentment and circumstances are independent of each other.
I've seen a world where faithfulness is the goal, and happiness is just a side effect.
I've seen a world where devotion is a product of grace, and pain is not feared but embraced.
I've seen a world where charity is both a sacrifice and a blessing.
I've seen a world where the truth liberates, and lies destroy.
I've seen a world where peace is not just observed, but practiced.
I've seen a world where love breaks rules.
I've seen a world where love sets the right rules.
I've seen a world where independence is an empowering struggle.
I've seen a world united in diversity.
I've seen a world where art is a process, that process is a journey, and the destination doesn't matter.
I've seen a world where teaching is appreciated and learning is a gift.
I've seen a world where family creates a home, not just a house.
I've seen a world where you can never be too generous.
I've seen a world where a radical love has no gender, race, language, color, shape, or size.
I've seen a world where love is extremely peaceful and intensely powerful, and hate is only detrimental to the hater.
I've seen a world where beauty is not limited to the eye of the beholder.
I've seen a world that sacrifices anything for love and accepts everything because of love.
I've seen a world where relationships are demanding, and fruitful because of it.
I've seen a world where problems bring resolution, not more problems.
I've seen a world where honesty is valued, desired, and constructive.
I've seen a world where painless stagnancy is uncomfortable and painful growth is comfortable.
I've seen a world that fearlessly dies to self and lives for others.
I've seen a world where love conquers sadness.
I've seen a world where love conquers anger.
I've seen a world where love conquers injustice.
I've seen a world where love conquers all.
Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. - 1 John 3:18
Despite the world I live in, it's the world I see that makes me alive.
I'll stay out of place.
we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy,
the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world." -
C.S. Lewis
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